When I met my husband 5 years ago there were only two things in his refrigerator, it was full of beer bottles and dead animals. Luckily there was a good explanations for this, he spent his quality time brewing beer and training birds of prey. At that time, he had a red-tailed hawk named Chaos that he would free fly and hunt with (hence the dead animals). Now fast forward to present day and he has founded a local non-profit dedicated to the education of birds of prey. He has cultivated his love for birds into a successful and rewarding business. He has also grown his love for beer and home brewing. His beers keep getting better with each batch and now instead of bottling, they go straight into kegs and through the wall to our kitchen tap setup.
Not only do I love his beer and his birds, but I love that I can be involved in both of these things. As for the non-profit, I am able to act as their creative director. And for the beer, well we take our beer seriously. Danny names each one and I brand them and burn them into custom tap handles. It is not a true business, but it is fun to have our own home “brewery”. A brewery that is of course inspired by the world of birds.